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Nft The Guardian -  Solarpunk Team
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The Guardian - Solarpunk Team
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The Guardian A gust of wind gently propelled the rook towards the scene unfolding below. A band of Cyberpunks had gathered in the rocky outcrop beneath it. Circling them, it observed intently. The bird was nothing but a black speck in the sky and remained unnoticed to those on the ground. Using the rook’s razor-sharp vision, The Guardian sat back with closed eyes and surveyed the scene unfolding beneath. “So, they plan to ambush us,” he muttered watching their feeble attempts to conceal themselves. The rook swooped down for a closer look. Suddenly there was a streak of orange in the sky, the bird made a quick turn and narrowly dodged the laz-blast which came from below. Gathering speed, the rook flew swiftly away from the aggressors until it again became a distant speck on the horizon. The rook landed gently on the Guardian’s shoulder. “You’ve done well my friend,” he said as he gently ran his fingers through the bird’s feathers. “We shall certainly be giving them a warm reception. Taking potshots at such a handsome creature as you, those Cyberpunks have no respect for nature.” Meet “The Guardian” owner and trainer of “The Rook” These Solarpunks work as an intelligence-gathering team by using their natural telepathic bond to communicate. With the Rook’s keen vision and the Guardian’s guile, these two make formidable opponents. __________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Alan Smale // Puffin the wordsmith Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajsmale Art Director: Rare Designer Twitter: https://twitter.com/pepe_designer How do I get $RARE? https://beta.cent.co/+1nxjv6
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