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Sancho Plushie Pre-Launch Digital Collectible
Not open for sale
To get this NFT follow the below steps: Step 1 - Visit the Kickstarter campaign using this link: https://persona-3.herokuapp.com?link=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spikeandcrown/sancho-heroic-plushie-friend/&add=gAAAAABjV-omyZyMsvhtbfN_VDKi_mUSxXTgc8_ITWWFtiLtNSuY6hLiIuEtg5AjwTdCZpMXexu8t_NzdgH2GhToDBbNQd-rE7l5N-X86A9VWRT5yEBizMU6XpqUmOznRgRJtBPXUhJl Step 2 - Back our campaign at a Plushie Pal tier or higher to become eligible for this additional reward. Step 3 - At successful crowdfunding, we’ll confirm your pledge in a post-campaign survey. In the survey, please link the crypto wallet that received this NFT to confirm your participation and NFT rewards! Hurry! This offer expires on November 24, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST. Your support of Spike & Crown’s House of La Mancha campaign helps support our independent animation studio. With your contribution, we want to not only create a 3D animated short film, but fundamentally change the way films are made in Hollywood. Depending on the tier you select, you will receive a plushie bundle, a real pet collar, digital collectibles, IMDb credit, and a Producer’s Circle NFT. While not listed on our crowdfunding page, your NFT will provide exclusive access to our Spike and Crown Community! Reward fulfillment will begin in January 2023. Thank you for your support!
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