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Sancho Plushie Pre-Launch Digital Collectible
Not open for sale
**To get this NFT follow the below steps:** **Step 1 -** Visit the Kickstarter campaign using this link: https://persona-3.herokuapp.com?link=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spikeandcrown/sancho-heroic-plushie-friend&add=gAAAAABjaT28SKPRi6vmhU_db91azRCyxVsoXVMLgirXbakolHY-FRv54ArJ3ya0uAtU-mAVjzS0oMFBMbTYq_FtL4LHGiFPRiDBX39nyjw43NVNBHDCgKLULdeRZvvuXuapJbiLEQU4&version=v2 **Step 2 -** Back our campaign at a Plushie Pal tier or higher to become eligible for this additional reward. **Step 3 -** At successful crowdfunding, we’ll confirm your pledge in a post-campaign survey. **In the survey, please link the crypto wallet that received this NFT to confirm your participation and NFT rewards!** **Hurry! This offer expires on November 24, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST.** Your support of Spike & Crown’s House of La Mancha campaign helps support our independent animation studio. With your contribution, we want to not only create a 3D animated short film, but fundamentally change the way films are made in Hollywood. Depending on the tier you select, you will receive a plushie bundle, a real pet collar, digital collectibles, IMDb credit, and a Producer’s Circle NFT. While not listed on our crowdfunding page, your NFT will provide exclusive access to our Spike and Crown Community! **Reward fulfillment will begin in January 2023. Thank you for your support!**
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