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Nft My Heart.
My Heart.
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Raising funds to be able to become a full time artist and list all of my 3D models. Hello world, my name is makemorelove and I'm partnered twitch streamer. Recently I found something new to do with my life - 3d modeling. I'm using Cinema 4D and mostly I do low polygon art as this is the style that I like - a lot :) Yes I'm a newbie. And yes this item is not made with Cinema 4d, this is my first ever animated .gif file which I made 6 years ago with PS for my channel on twitch. It has a lot of value and meaning to me as twitch literally saved my life back then. Currently I have only 3 very simple models. However all of them are completely unique. I'm not using any assets: textures, patterns, objects or materials downloaded from the web. My models are extremely simple, but yet again totally authentic. There's not a single digital bit of a copy-pasta. Also I'm planning and hoping to be able to start a collection very soon. I will be very happy if I can raise some kind of a budget to be able to upload all of my models and to invest my whole time into making more. There's a link that goes to a .zip file with .mp4 previews of what I did so far. /It's in the super secret section of this auction. :)/ This item is the kickstarter campaign of my life as a 3d artist. Btw, you are welcome to drop by and talk with me on twitch whenever you want to. And you know what they say, give some love and you will get some love! Cheers!
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