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Nft Cyber Skull Force #31
Cyber Skull Force #31
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Cyber Skull Force #31 The Cyber Skull Force are 111 hand-drawn side profile animated cyber punks with unique characteristics and features. These NFTs have music included. It depicts a dystopian futuristic settings with a combination of futurism and advanced technology like the crypto blockchain. CREED OF WOMEN FORCES ON BINANCE METAVERSE. They are high resolution hand-drawn cyberpunks creations with limited quantity of editions. The collector has ownership of the particular work and utilities associated with that work. Permission for derivatives should be asked to the creator STORY Year 2111 The world has changed. In an authoritarian dystopian future society, the world is no more in the hands of earth’s mightiest species-human. The advent of artificial intelligence which was once believed to be boon to society ultimately lead to demise of the human power. In 2053, MASH 231 model built by a Black Nebula corporation became the first sentient AI. The A.I. evolved faster than human anticipated in an exponential rate. Was it not expected? It was!. But the humans underestimated the capabilities and perils of a sentient AI. The A.I. dominated the blockchain.In a world dominated by the crypto currency, humans were brought to their knees.Technology was no longer under the control of mankind. Humans were made into slaves, incorporated with cyber kinetic chips that directly connected them to the central network. THE ALASTAIR FORTRESS(T.A.F) A.I judged humans to be unfit to rule earth and control their unseen destinies. The powerful biological network assessed all of the citizens minds and regulated their lives according to the Valhalla algorithm. Everything was lost, the moment humans lost control. Religion, colors,food,culture, music and even emotions were no longer of any significance. People who tried to resist were crushed brutally by the Tartarus Forces. These are elite cybernetic robots laced with advanced technology that responded solely to the T.A.F. They were manufactured in numbers of 1000 and were in every sector of the economy. Nothing could be hidden from them. Everything was in vain, until in the year 2082, Dr.Percy found a way to bypass the chips of cybernetics and A.I. It didn’t go unnoticed.T.A.F detected the anomaly and started crushing down the disobedient masses. People were publicly executed and massacred. A lot of people who tried to rebel, were in no match to the advanced technology of the Tartarus Forces. To defeat A.I., humans had to upgrade themselves to be match for the Tartarus Forces-Faster, Better and Stronger. Mankind banded together and formed the underground resistance army-THE SKULL OF ARES After thousands of years of evolution, humans from every creed, color and society were together to face a common enemy. It was like picking up weapons against godly power. People upgraded themselves with advanced weapons and body parts thereby surpassing their strengths to that which was much greater than ordinary human. The research by the scientist Dr. Percy was further developed and by 2090 these advanced humans were temporarily able to disconnect from the TAF without being alerted. A method to cheat the ultimate digital fortress itself. 2111-The cyber Skull Forces are born. With an elite army with their sole goal being downfall of the TAF. Nothing mattered to them anymore than protecting the freedom and existence of the humanity. The forces of CSF look like normal humans. The system won’t be able to identify them while they are undercover. Goals are to bring down the central defence networks and heavily guarded facilities by weakening the system. Protect human refugees and destroy the Tartarus manufacturing units. 111 CSF forces in unique characteristics and features. “Wake up to the reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this world. The longer you live,the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering and futility exists’ In our army force all kinds of cyberpunks are there with different futuristic technologies like crazy masks and goggles that have lights, headphones, modern suits, and other cool rare accessories. Unlockable: Jpeg file of the animation is unlockable. The 111th version will be the original animated cyberpunk version. Grab these forces in the Binance metaverse. Unique and hand drawn with love by Milan Shaji 15 second animated MP4
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